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Aims and Scope

The International Journal of Operations Management – ISSN 2757-0509

International Journal of Operations Management. The mission of International Journal of Operations Management Journal is to publish cutting-edge and original research which can make marked progress in the field of Operations and Supply Chain Management both in a theoretical and practical way. As a general rule, the International Journal of Operations Management Journal accepts a broad range of empirically-based modes of enquiry drawing on proper research structures, as long as they manifest general understanding and important value to the operations control. Apart from entirely mathematical models, the journal includes all other types of empirical methodologies. The main criteria while reviewing the papers are the clarity in the way it has been conducted and rigor in the implementation of methods, regardless of the mode of enquiry. It is essential to bear in mind, though, that any manuscript should directly contribute to the theory.

Provided that there is valuable research insight, mixed methods of investigation are desirable whenever it is possible. Although interdisciplinary submissions whose theory is derived from similar subjects are welcome, the International Journal of Operations Management Journal articles focus on operations management with a linkage to original practical operational issues.