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The Influence of the Society Self-supporting Development Program (SSDP) Towards Regional Development in Serdang Bedagai Regency

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International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration
Volume 3, Issue 5, July 2017, Pages 55-67

The Influence of the Society Self-supporting Development Program (SSDP) Towards Regional Development in Serdang Bedagai Regency

DOI:  10.18775/ijmsba.1849-5664-5419.2014.35.1007
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.18775/ijmsba.1849-5664-5419.2014.35.1007

Ihsan Azhari

Study Program Regional Planning, Graduate School, University of North Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract: Regional Development policy is the whole authority of the Head of the region where the development of the region has a direct impact on society. The direct contribution in policy implementation is anticipated. That is, the principal orientation in improving society’s welfare, so the government policy should reflect the profitable’s development between government and society by presenting the participation in the region. Serdang Bedagai district which is Government people’s participative development policy is “Development Movement Governmental / Gerbang Swara”(The Society Self -Supporting Development Programme / SSDP). Gerbang Swara as a movement is to raise society to build self-support in the which the means and infrastructure needed by society starting from the village and sub-district. There is the participation of society in regional development policy in the participative models by attacking Bedagai Government. The research before shows us there are many problems in the local participation in regional development. The development could be bottom-up development, not top-down development. This research would not criticize the fails or the success of regional development from the research before. This Research is the main strengthening of the model of the which applied in regional development and use the explanatory design and apply survey methods in Serdang Bedagai district. The results of hypothesis testing on each path coefficient Significantly influence the development of the planning region with the direction of the positive relationship. The decision making insignificantly influence on the regional development and going to the negative relationship. Whereas, the dissemination influential is significant on the regional development and going to the positive relations. The implementation influential is significant on the regional development and going to the positive relations. The evaluation process influential is significant on the regional development and going to the positive relations. Conversely, the utilization influential is insignificant on the regional development and going to the positive relations. Although in variable this research is positive and significant but, there are several variables which have no influence or significant impact on regional development.

Keywords: Participative development, Welfare society, Regional development.

The Influence of the Society Self-supporting Development Program (SSDP) Towards Regional Development in Serdang Bedagai Regency

1. Introduction

The construction is of fundamental changes in the regional development. The development covers various sectors: education, infrastructure, economics, health, and others. Development can be enhanced through the development of areas that can be realized through the wishes of the people in an area to grow and develop in terms of economics, politics, culture and security. The level of development of the area can be seen from the ratio of the area of the awakened (built-up area) of the total area. The more spacious built-up area can mean a society with higher economic activity. Such conditions can be seen from the dense network of roads, the ever-expanding area of offices and trade, the spread of residential areas with high population density and high employment opportunities.

The success of the government in the long term depends not only on people’s satisfaction with the services provided, but also on interest, participation, and support from the community itself. In supporting the implementation of the management of regional development, efforts should be made to increase the capacity of local government officials and organizations’ civil society in order to take a proper role in the democratic interaction and the development process in a comprehensive manner. More specifically, that development in this era of decentralization should have the dimensions of human resource development so as, to provide appropriate services to the community and can sustainably manage natural resources. Thus, direct public participation is necessary and needs to be strengthened and expanded.

In a democratic system of governance, the concept of public participation is one important concept because it is directly related to the essence of democracy.as a system of governance that focuses on the people as sovereign. Carter in Rustiningsih (2002) stated that the participation of society has significant role in the life of the community to improve the process of learning communities; directing people towards the responsible community.

Community participation has many forms, ranging from a form of direct public participation in government programs or who are indirect, such as in the form of donations, energy, thoughts, and revenue in government policy making. However, the variety and level of participation are often only determined on a massive scale, i.e., from the number of individuals in influence. The participation, in essence, is related to public access to information. Until now, public participation is not yet a permanent and institutionalized activity, especially in decision-making. This study is one of a container community Serdang Bedagai in explored ideas in participating to the acceleration of sustainable development.

Problem Formulation:
1. Is Self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara) consisting of planning, decision-making, implementation, evaluation, utilization, and dissemination effect on Development Areas in Serdang Bedagai?
2. Is Self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara) consisting of planning, decision-making, implementation, evaluation of the use and dissemination affect the Welfare Society in Serdang Bedagai?
3. Is the regional development affect the welfare of the people in Serdang Bedagai?

Objective The purpose of this study is:
1. To know and analyze the influence self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara) consisting of planning, decision-making, dissemination, implementation, evaluation, and utilization of the development areas in Serdang Bedagai.
2. To know and analyze the influence self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara) consisting of planning, decision-making, dissemination, implementation, evaluation, and utilization of the welfare society in SerdangBedagai.
3. To know and analyze the impact of regional development on Welfare Society in Serdang Bedagai.

Benefits research the benefits of this research are as follows:
1. As input for local governments to looked influence self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara) consisting of planning, decision-making, dissemination, implementation, evaluation, and utilization the Regional development in Serdang Bedagai and its effect on Welfare Society in Serdang Bedagai.
2. As the material to add to the treasures of the study and a scientific development which could further contribute to the practical study program Regional Planning Graduate School of the University of North Sumatra.

2. Methods

This study implements descriptive quantitative measures. The approach used in this study is a survey. The nature of this study (descriptive explanatory)is the research aims to describe and explain the nature of the circumstances that took place at the time of the study. Also, examine the causes of these symptoms and the status variables researched and the relationship between other variables. The position of the variables that were analyzed and the relationship between the other variables (Sugiyono, 2004).

2.1 Draft Study Design

The study consists of 8 (eight) construction, including planning, decision-making, dissemination, implementation, evaluation, utilization, development of areas and Community Welfare. Based on this, research variables are grouped into two, namely exogenous variables (free), which consists of planning, decision-making, dissemination, implementation, evaluation, and utilization. While endogenous variable(dependent) consisting of regional development and Welfare Society. To further facilitate the analysis, then each variable must first be identified according to research problems.

Figure 01

Figure 1 : Кegional development and Welfare Society

Source: Investigators processed

2.2 Sample

Samples used in this study consists of minimum 100 people. This refers to the Hair et.al, (Ferdinand, 2006) that the number of samples (respondents) which were used in the study were using SEM minimum of 100 samples. While the number of ideal and representative samples obtained through calculation that the amount of research indicators multiplied by 5 until 31.

Table 1: Sample List every district in Serdang Bedagai

No. Position Number of Employees (Persons) Calculation of Sample Number

Sample elected

1 Perbaungan 2308 People 2308 X 256 / 23250 26 People
2 Bandar Khalifah 795 People 795 X 256/23250 9 People
3 Stars Bayu 3937 People 3937 X 256/23250 42 People
4 SeiRampah 740 People 740 X 256/23250 8 People
5 SerbaJadi 2550 People 2550 X 256/23250 28 People
6 Gulf Mengkudu 3737 People 3737 X 256/23250 41 People
7 DolokMasihul 2375 People 2375 X 256/23250 26 People
8 TebingTinggi 140 People 140 X 256/23250 2 People
9 DolokMerawan 1258 People 1258 X 256/23250 14 People
10 Kotarih 2450 People 2450 X 256/23250 27 People
11 TanjungBeringin 2510 People 2510 X 256/23250 28 People
12 Coast Mirror 450 People 450 X 256/23250 5 People

Source: Bureau of Administrative BedagaiSerdang Medan, (Data is processed in 2014)

Thus Samples for the study were:
Sample Size = Number Indicator x amount Variable……….. ………… (1)
Number of Samples = 32 X 8 = 256 samples
The sample is a small part of the population. The sample used in this study is Proportional Stratified Random Sampling. The determination of sample randomly select respondents from each – each whole area in Serdang Bedagai. The technique is done by taking random samples, with the number of Probability Sampling can be seen in Table.

2.3 Technique Data Collection

To obtain a complete and thorough, researchers used data collection techniques as follows:
1. Observation of conducting research to see firsthand the condition of the field in accordance with the object of research, observations were made throughout the villages that have been registered in the development program Gerbang Swara and citizens or participating community involved in the program.
2. Interview (Interview) convening interviews and question and answer directly to the respondents related to the object of research. Interviews were conducted at all levels of program officer Gerbang Swara including Regent of Serdang Bedagai in charge.
3. Dissemination Questionnaire through list on selected respondents to answer.
4. Study documentation of records that exist with respect to the data obtained from Serdang Bedagai.

Mechanical scales used in this study is the ordinal scale. Ordinal scale is a scale of measurement that is widely used to measure the phenomenon / social phenomenon in which the respondents are asked to rank the particular preferences while providing value(rate)against the preferences (Sugiyono, 2006). Measurement criteria are in the following table:

Table 2: Instrument Scale ordinal

No. Question Score
1. Very Good 5
2. Good 4
3. Less Good 3
4. Not Good 2
5. Very Not Good 1

Source: Sugiyono (2006)

The operational definition of each variable in this study can be seen in

Table 3: Operationalization of Research Variables

Variable Definition Indicator Scale




Selection of alternate or allocation of various resources available 1.      Description of the social conditions of the area

2.      Model social change

3.      oriented issues as the basis for decision-taking policy

4.      Identify problem areas with efforts to improve the conditions


Skala ordinal



Step includes identifying the problem, choose an alternative and evaluate the effectiveness of the decision 1.     Role of a person in making organizational decisions

2.     Based on the value of developing

3.     Social skills in communicating effectively

4.     Decisions based rational attitude

Scale ordinal


The process of social interaction through which we identify the ways of thinking, feeling and behaving, so that they can participate effectively in society 1.     Growing public awareness

2.     Inviting people involved

3.     Supports program

4.     Socializing program implementation

Skala ordinal


Center on activity, action, action, or the existence of a mechanism system. 1.     Contribute force

2.     Contribute material

3.     Providing financial contribution

4.     Implementing the system in accordance with an agreement

Scale ordinal


Efforts to document and make an assessment of what happened.


1.     Evaluating the implementation of the tasks

2.     Comparing budgets

3.     Create reports

4.     Overseeing the course of the program

Skala ordinal


The activities to utilize environmental areas, utilizing environmental services, utilizing the results as well as collect the produce optimally and equitably for the benefit of society while maintaining sustainability. 1.     Improving togetherness

2.     Increasing awareness

3.     Preserving the environment

4.     Provide youth for the community in improving the economy of

Scale ordinal
Development of areas


The process of formulation and implementation of development goals by using natural resources optimally through local economic development based on the basic economic activities that occur on a region 1.     Build public facilities

2.     Improving economy

3.     Increase population

4.     Build disadvantaged areas


Scale ordinal



Includes the actions of human beings to achieve the level of people’s lives better 1.     Results for the program Gerbangswara

2.     Results of community engagement

3.     Amendment to the behavior of society

4.     Improving the living standards of the people of the results program implemented

Ordinal Scale

2.4 Test Validity and Test Reliability Instrument

Testing validity and reliability tests conducted with the 30 (thirty) of respondents outside of the study sample in Serdang Bedagai.

2.4.1 Validity

According Sugiono (2004) Valid means the instrument used to obtain the data which can be used to measure what should be measured. Distribution (Table r) for  = 0.05 and degrees of freedom (df = n-2). Methods decisions: if r count> r table means valid and vice versa if r arithmetic

2.5 Test Reliability

Reliability tests performed to obtain the level of accuracy (reliability) data collection tool (instrument) is used. Total variance grain searched first by looking for variance of each item. Testing is done by trying out the instrument once, and then the data were analyzed with a particular technique. In this case the technique used is the technique of Cronbach Alpha (á). A variable is said to be reliable if the value of Cronbach Alpha>0.60. (Ghozali, 2005).

2.6 Analysis Methods

The analysis method used in this research is the analysis of Structural Equation Model (StructuralEquation Model) by processing the data using a computer program Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). SEM is a multivariate statistical technique which is a combination of factor analysis and regression analysis (correlation). It is aimed to examine the relationships between variables that exist in a model, both among the indicators with constructsor the relationship between the constructs (Santoso, 2011).

3. Results

3.1 Test Validity

Testing the validity of the instrument with the help of SPSS software, the validity can be seen in the value column Corrected Item amount Correlation. If the correlation number which is greater than the number of criticism(r count>r table) then the instrument is said to be invalid or if the value of Corrected Item Total Correlation every question is greater than 0, 30 then the questions are considered valid. Test the validity of the planning, decision-making, dissemination, implementation, evaluation, utilization, regional development and social welfare.

Table 4: Result Validity Planning Instrument

No. Item Statement r-count r-table Description
1 Movement Governmental Development Planning folk advance in the description of the social conditions of the area Serdang Bedagai 0505 12:30 Valid
2 existence model of social change as a step in the movement of the Development Planning Governmental folk 0660 12:30 Valid
3 movement Development Planning Governmental people oriented issues as the basis for decision-taking policy 0726 0:30 Valid
4 movement Planning Governmental people as identification of problem areas with efforts to improve the condition 0615 12:30 Valid

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (processed data)

The Table 5 shows that the results of testing instruments planning variable has a value r-count>r-table (0.30). It can be concluded that the entire instrument is the question of valid planning variables that can be used in the study.

Table 5: Results Validity Test Instrument Decision

No. Item Statement r-count r-Table Description
1: Community participation is required in making organizational decisions for Governmental Development Movement .753 12:30 Valid
2 decision-making is based on the value of developing Governmental Development Movement .750 12:30 Valid
3 social ability needed to communicate effectively on Governmental Development Movement .732 12:30 Valid
4 decision-making based rational attitude in the Movement for Governmental Development still constrained budgets .807 12:30 Valid

Source: Research Findings, 2012 (processed data)

Based on the Table 6 the results of testing instruments decision variable have a value r-count > r-table (0.30). Thus it can be concluded that all the instruments of questions about decision-making is a valid variable so it can be used in the study.

Table 6: Results Validity Test Instruments dissemination

No. Item Statement r-count r-table Description
1 Governmental Development Movement can foster public awareness .619 12:30 Valid
2 Governmental Development Movement invites the public actively involved in these activities .740 12:30 Valid
3 community support program Governmental Development Movement .719 12:30 Valid
4 community Development Movement disseminating the program to other communities Governmental .702 12:30 Valid

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (data processing)

The Table 7 shows that the results of testing instruments dissemination variable has a value r-count>r-table (0.30). Thus it can be concluded that all the instruments the question of dissemination is valid variables that can be used in the study.

Table 7: Results Validity Test Instruments Implementation

No. Item Statement r-count r-table Description
1 Power in society contributed Governmental Development Movement 0771 12:30 Valid
2 Society contributed material in the implementation of the program Development Movement Governmental 0663 12:30 Valid
3 Community provides a financial contribution in the implementation of Development Movement Governmental 0715 12:30 Valid
4 Communities to implement the system in accordance with an agreement in the program Development Movement Governmental 0617 12:30 Valid

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (the processed data)

Table 8: Validity of Test Results Instrument Evaluation

No. Item Statement r-count r-table Description
1 Community Development Movement evaluate the implementation of the tasks Governmental folk 0679 12:30 Valid
2 Community compare budget in building the people Governmental Development Movement 0665 12:30 Valid
3 People make a report on the work of the people Governmental Development Movement 0652 12:30 Valid
4 Community oversee the program Governmental Development Movement folk 0465 12:30 Valid

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (processed data)

Based on the Table 8 indicates that the test results evaluation instrument variable has a value r-count>r-table (0.30). Thus it can be concluded that all statements about variable evaluation instruments are valid so it can be used in the study.

Table 9: Results Validity Test Instrument Utilization

No. Item Statement r-count r-table Description
1 Public improve togetherness in the program folk Governmental Development Movement .565 12:30 Valid
2 People raise awareness within the program Governmental Development Movement people .837 12:30 Valid
3 To preserve the environment in the communities involved Governmental Development Movement people .631 12:30 Valid
4 Society provides youth in improving the economy with Governmental Development Movement people .678 12:30 Valid

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (processed data)

Based on the Table 9 shows that the results of testing instruments utilization variable has a value r-count>r-table (0.30). It can be concluded that the entire instrument statements about variable utilization is valid so it can be used in the study.

Table 10: Results Validity Test Instruments regional development

No. Item Statement r-count r-table Description
1 People build public facilities through a program of folk Governmental Development Movement 0578 12:30 Valid
2 Governmental Development Movement people as economic activity in improving society in Serdang Bedagai 0697 12:30 Valid
3 Existence Development Movement Governmental people can Increase the population to reside in Serdang Bedagai 0613 12:30 Valid
4 Program activities Development Movement Governmental people formed one of them for developing the rural sector 0602 12:30 Valid

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (the data processed)

Based on Table 10 shows that the results of testing instruments for regional development variable has a value r-count>r-table (0.30). Thus it can be concluded that all statements about variable instrument of regional development is valid so it can be used in the study.

Based on Table 11 indicates that the results of testing instruments welfare society variable have a value r-count>r-table (0.30). It can be concluded that the entire instrument a statement about society’s welfare variable is valid, so it can be used in research.

Table 11: Results Validity Test Instrument Welfare Society

No. Item Statement r-count r-table Description
1 Program Development Movement Governmental provide benefits for the people of the community 0526 12:30 Valid
2 Results of community involvement in the movement program can expedite the Governmental Development social and economic life that there are 0692 0:30 Valid
3 Development Movement Governmental people can change people’s behavior in a positive direction 0748 12:30 Valid
With the program Development Movement Governmental people can improve the living standard of 0.700 12:30 Valid

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (processed data)

3.2 Test Reliability

As the answers of respondents to question is consistent or stable over time. Reliability testing in a study using a one shot or measurements once and for testing the reliability statistical test was Cronbach Alpha used. Cronbach Alpha is one that is close to 1. Reliability test conducted on the research showed the following results:

Table 12: Instrument Reliability Test Results Variable

No Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Information
1 Planning 0.788 Reliable
2 Decision-making 0.820 Reliable
3 Dissemination 0806 Reliable
4 Implementation 0.805 Reliable
5 Evaluation 0.786 Reliable
6 Utilization 0.802 Reliable
7 Development of the region 0.786 Reliable
8 Welfare Society 0.795 Reliable

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (Data processed)

Table result that the test results throughout the study variables has a value count r->r-table (0.60). Thus it can be concluded that all the instruments of questions about the planning, decision-making, dissemination, implementation, evaluation, utilization, regional development and the welfare of society is reliable.

3.3 Influence Self-Supporting Development (Gerbang Swara) of the Regional Development in Serdang Bedagai

Influence Development Movement Governmental People (Gerbang Swara) consisting of planning, decision-making, implementation, evaluation, utilization and dissemination effect on Development Areas in Serdang Bedagai can be seen in the following table:

Table 13: Results hypothesis Testing

SE CR P Information
Development of areas <- Planning .144 2.010 .044 Significant
Development of areas <- Decision making .124 -.779 .436 No Significant
Development of areas <- Dissemination .130 2,049 .040 Significant
Development of areas <- Implementation .136 1987 .047 Significant
Development of areas <- Evaluation of .108 2531 .011 Significant
Development of the region <- Utilization .259 .795 .068 Not Significant

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (processed data)

Table on results of hypothesis testing each coefficient interpretation path or direction of causal relationships, the hypothesis testing results are obtained as follows:

1. Planning (X1)effect significantly to the development of areas (Z) with direct positive relationship. This can be seen from the path coefficient (SE), which is positive for 0144 with a value CR amounted to 2,010 and obtained probability significance (p) of 0.044 is smaller than significance level (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the results, there is a positive and significant effect of planning in the development of the region in Serdang Bedagai. This means that with the lack of planning in the People’s Movement of Governmental Development (Gerbang Swara) gives effect to the development of the area.

2. Decision (X2) has no significant effect on the development of areas (Z) with direct negative relationship. The path coefficients (SE), which is positive for 0124 with a value CR amounting to -0.779 and obtained probability significance (p) of 0.436 is greater than significance level (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the results, the study shows that decision making is negative and is not significant in the development of the region in Serdang Bedagai. This means that the lack of proper decision-making in the People’s Movement of Governmental Development (Gerbang Swara) provides no benefit in developing the area.

3. Dissemination (X3)effects significantly to the development of areas (Z) with the direct positive relationship. This can be seen from the path coefficient (SE), which is positive for 0130 with a value CR amounted to 2,049 and obtained probability significance (p) of 0,040 is smaller than significance level (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the results showed a positive and significant effect of dissemination in the development of the region in Serdang Bedagai. That is the dissemination held by the government in the People’s Movement of Governmental Development (Gerbang Swara) provide insight to communities in developing regions.

4. Implementation (X4) effect significant towards the development of areas (Z) with a positive direction relationship. This can be seen from the path coefficient (SE), which is positive for 0136 with value C.R. amounting to 1,987. Obtained probabilities are significant (p) of 0.047 and it is smaller than significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the implementation of the results showed a positive and significant influence on the development of the region in Serdang Bedagai. This means that with the implementation of the People’s Movement of Governmental Development (Gerbang Swara) results are direct or indirect in the development of the region.

5. Evaluation (X5)effect is significant towards the development of areas (Z) with a positive direct relationship. It can be seen from the path coefficient (SE), which is positive for 0108 with value C.R. amounting to 2,531. Obtained probabilities are significant (p) of 0,011 smaller of level significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the evaluation of the results, there is a positive and significant influence in the development of the region in Serdang Bedagai. The meaning of evaluation which is regularly held in the government of the People Governmental Development Movement (Gerbang Swara) can support the development of the region.

6. Utilization (X6)doe not significantly effect to the development of areas (Z) with a positive direction relationship. The path coefficients (SE), which is positive for 0068 with valueC.R at 0.259 and gained significant probabilities (p) of 0,795 of level greater significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the results, there is no significant utilization in the development of the region in Serdang Bedagai. This means that the utilization of the Self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara) is less supported. It is seen from awareness where community care in participating in regional development.

3.4 Influence Self-Supporting Development (Gerbang Swara) The Welfare Society in Serdang Bedagai

Influence Self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara ) which consists of planning, decision-making, implementation, evaluation, utilization and dissemination affect the welfare of people in Serdang Bedagai can seen in the following table:

Table 14: Results hypothesis Testing

SE CR P Ketengan
Welfare Society <- Planning .128 .920 .357 Not Significant
Welfare Society <- Decision .113 -.173 .863 No Significant
Welfare Society <- Dissemination .115 2055 .040 Significant
Welfare Society <- Implementation .132 -2859 .004 Significant
Welfare Society <- Evaluation of .112 3069 .002 Significant
Welfare Society <- Utilization .059 .302 .763 Not Significant

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (processed data)

At value hypothesis testing each coefficient interpretation path or direction of causal relationships, the hypothesis testing results were obtained as follows:

1. Planning (X1) does not affect significantly to the welfare of society (Y) with a positive direct relationship. This can be seen from the path coefficient (SE), which is positive for 0128 with value C.R. amounted to 0.920 and obtained probabilitas significant (p) of 0.357 than greater significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the research results, there is the positive effect of planning but not significant in improving Welfare Society in Serdang Bedagai. It means that there is a lack of planning in the People’s Movement of Governmental Development (Gerbang Swara). But, has not been able to improve the welfare of the community. This is due to the fact that planning is done, but not all been realized.

2. Decision (X2)does not effect significantly to the welfare of society (Y) with negative direct relationship. The path coefficients (SE), which is positive for 0113 with value C.R. amounting to -0.173 and obtained probabilitas significant (p) of 0.863 of level greater significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the results, the study shows that decision making is negative and is not significant in improving Welfare Society in Serdang Bedagai. This means that decision-making is done in part is still inappropriate to improve the welfare of society.

3. Dissemination (X3)has a significant effect on the welfare of society (Y) with a positive direct relationship. This can be seen from the path coefficient (SE), which is positive for 0115 with value C.R. amounting to 2,055 and obtained probabilities are significant (p) of 0,040 smaller of level significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the results showed a positive and significant effect of dissemination within the community in improving welfare in Serdang Bedagai. That is the dissemination of the government and society in the People’s Movement of Governmental Development (Gerbang Swara) which provides benefits and improve the welfare of society. That is the dissemination that is accepted and understood by the public.

4. Implementation (X4)does not significantly affect the welfare of society (Y) with a positive direct relationship. This can be seen from the path coefficient (SE), which is positive for 0132 with value C.R. amounting to -2.859 and obtained probabilities are significant (p) of 0.004 which is smaller of level significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the implementation of the results there is a negative and significant effect in improving the welfare of people in Serdang Bedagai. This means that the implementation of the government and society in the People’s Movement of Governmental Development (Gerbang Swara) has not shown any increase in social welfare. This implementation indirectly improves its people’s welfare but the process requires an extended period.

5. Evaluation (X5)has significant effect towards the development of areas (Z) with a positive direction relationship. This can be seen from the path coefficient (SE), which is positive for 0108 with valueC.R. amounting to 3,069 and obtained probabilities are significant (p) of 0.002 is smaller of level significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the evaluation of the results there is a positive and significant effect in improving the welfare of people in Serdang Bedagai. This means that the evaluation by the government and society in the People’s Movement of Governmental Development (Gerbang Swara) showed benefit in improving the welfare of society. It is indicated by the presence of a periodic evaluation of the success of the Gerbang Swara.

6. Utilization (X6) does not affect significantly to the welfare of society (Y) with a positive direct relationship. The path coefficients (SE), which is positive for 0059 with velue C.R. amounted to 0.259 and obtained probabilities are significant (p) of 0.763 than greater significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the results showed there is positive but not significant effect on the welfare of people in Serdang Bedagai. This means that utilization through Self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara) can not be utilized entirely for the community. It is shown from the low public awareness in caring for the results of the Gerbang Swara.

3.5 The Influence of the Regional Development of the Welfare Society in Serdang Bedagai.

Effect of regional development affect the welfare of the people in Serdang Bedagai can be seen in the following table:

Table 15: Results hypothesis testing

SE CR P Ketengan


<- Development area .120 5.620 .000 Significant

Source: Research Findings, 2014 (processed data)

Table Results of testing the hypothesis with the interpretation of each path coefficient or direction of causal relationships, the hypothesis testing results were obtained, namely: the development of areas (Z) effect significantly to the welfare of society (Y) with positive direction relationship. This can be seen from the path coefficient (SE), which is positive for 0120 with value C.R. amounted to 5.620 and obtained probabilities significant (p) of 0.000 of level significance (α) which is set at 0.05. Based on the research results, development of the region is positive in Serdang Bedagai. This means that the development of the region through Self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara) proclaimed by the government show tangible benefits in improving the welfare of the community in the form of irrigation canals, bridges, opening, development and rehabilitation of roads, health facilities, educational facilities and the construction of houses of worship.

4. Conclusion

Effect Movement self-supporting development (Gerbang Swara) of the Regional development in Serdang Bedagai is planning a significant effect on the development of areas. Whereas, the decision does not have a significant effect on regional development. Dissemination and implementation have a significant effect on regional development and development of areas respectively. Evaluation has a significant effect on development. Whereas, utilization of the region does not have a significant effect on Development of Governmental Development district. The influence people’s Movement (Gerbang Swara) the welfare society in Serdang Bedagai is not significant. The decision does not significantly effect on the welfare of society. The implementation does not significant to the welfare society. Evaluation has significant effect on regional development, and utilization of public to welfare not significant.


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