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The International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration -ISSN 1849-5664 (Online)-ISSN 1849-5419 (Print)

International journal of business and management

International journal of business and managementInternational Journal of Management Science and Business Administration provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experience, insights, and ideas about the management and business theory and practice. quick review management journal

The journal aims at publishing authoritative and original research articles, conference articles and share advances on the selected topics and areas which would be of benefit and interest to academics and practitioners.

International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration includes: general management, public responsibility and ethics, business law, marketing theory and applications, business investment and finance, general business analysis and research, business and economics training and education, knowledge and information management, production/operations management, organizational behavior, performance and theory, strategic management plan, management organization, econometrics and statistics, personnel and industrial relationships, technology, modernization and innovation.

All manuscripts published by International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration are presented unobstructedly and permanently accessible online instantly upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.

The journal showcases articles with leading-edge, high-quality, innovative and original results, methodologies, principles, ideas, models, and applications. It is firmly focused on all phases and aspects of management and business administration.

International journal of business and management