Impact of The Ukrainian Conflict on The Political and Economic Situation in Europe
The paper explores the implications of the conflict in Ukraine, especially the impact of the conflict on the political and economic situation in Europe and Russia.
The paper explores the implications of the conflict in Ukraine, especially the impact of the conflict on the political and economic situation in Europe and Russia.
The concept of employee welfare is vibrant. Its broad viewpoint and contents are inclined to change, depending on social and economic changes that occur in society. Employee welfare includes various services, benefits, and facilities offered to employees by employers.
The foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows are often seen as the important catalyst for economic growth in the developing countries. This study aims to investigate the impact of FDI on the economic growth of Cambodia by utilizing the time series data throughout 2006-2016. The correlation matrix
According to many studies, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has had a positive effect on economic growth. Thomas et al. (2008) discussed that multinational companies are more successful in developing new products and technologies than local companies, thus exerting competitive
In order to improve employment rate and to stop the illegal migration, government has to take and implement some projects and policies, through this, it has to try to receive the social, cultural and economic benefits of the tourism sector.