Region as a factor changes on a Global Scale
The article discusses the classification of regions according to the criterion of the factor of their significance and explores the regional changes on the global scale.
The article discusses the classification of regions according to the criterion of the factor of their significance and explores the regional changes on the global scale.
This study quantifiably examined the relationship between participants’ demographic profiles and attitudes regarding business outsourcing techniques and strategies utilizing the Chi-Square and Fisher’s Exact tests, to gain a greater understanding of what these American-based beliefs truly are.
When it comes to finding a new development formula in transition countries, it is worrisome that a well-trodden development paradigm lacks in today’s multipolar world. Therefore, overcoming the apparent deadlock in the development of transition
Advances in technological possibilities have made communication present in different media and spaces. By enabling interaction between different countries, by becoming a facilitator between knowledge and innovation in the globalized world,
In this study, we investigate the impact of government debt on the economic growth of Ghana adopting the methodology of the simple Ordinary Least Squares with data spanning from 1990 to 2015. Ghana has unfortunately found itself in the tragic situation
In a context of growing cooperation marked by increasing international transactions, the international trade which is a key component of globalization occupied a non-negligible position. Considering the divergence of ideas about the impact of international trade on countries…
This paper assessed the impact of illicit financial flow on economic growth and development in Nigeria. Data was sourced from the statistical bulletin of the Central bank of Nigeria and Global Financial Integrity estimates of illicit financial flows
It is important for management to respond to changes that were brought about such as re-structuring and transfer of employees to address challenges brought about different caliber of employees as well as induction of new staff to the organizational culture.
Research and development (R&D) and innovations derived from R&D have been argued to be the engine of economic growth for hundreds of years. With supporting data, the paper establishes the vital role of innovation in the value chain and sustainable growth of economies
Globalization of economic processes requires an adequate transformation of the economic Sciences. In the modern world, the globalization of actors and results of production leads to the formation of global relations of ownership and governance. It modifies the subject field of General economic theory and generates the global political economy.