The Effect of Market Benchmarking on Business Performance: Evidence from MTN, Mobile Company in Ivory Coast
The study used a quantitative research method and collected data from 128 participants. The results demonstrate the importance of pricing benchmarking at MTN-CI, which positions itself as a dynamic, innovative, loyal, and transparent company, and continues to compete healthily in a competitive market.

Advantages of Using Integrated Business Planning in HEIs
This paper explored the use of the integrated business planning (IBP) process, and its applicability to managing higher education institutions. Many higher education institutions require a new approach to planning activities, and thus the appropriateness of IBP is examined

Usage of Electronic Education Services in Bulgaria
This paper explores the variation in usage rates of four types of electronic education-related services: online courses and examinations provided by schools and universities, private educational services, and administrative services like issuing electronic diplomas and certificates.

How to Prevent the Side Effects of Innovation: The Necessity of the Spiritual Exercises
This research paper analyzes how to do things, act differently, make progress, and develop, it does not involve the sort of generosity with which they are unaccustomed.

Business Continuity and Resilience Planning Practices in Kenya
The research paper aims to analyze the performance and success of organizations. By establishing a robust BCP, organizations can minimize disruptions, ensure continued operations, and protect their long-term interests, contributing to better business performance.

GARCH Model for Evaluating Volatility Based on the Share Price of Airlines Company During the COVID-19 Outbreak
This study is implemented to analyze the volatility rate for the share price of financial markets based on airlines company. This study uses one sample of companies from Malaysia Stock Exchange for an airline company that was affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Impact of Executive Turnover on Entrepreneurial Company’s Performance
In this study, we examine the effect of executive turnover on the performance of entrepreneurial companies. Additionally, we evaluate the moderating impact of the CEO’s prior experiences to prove how founders’ firsthand knowledge reduces the adverse effects of executives’ departure.

The Effect of Financial Literacy on the Sustainability of Micro, Small, and Medium, Enterprises with Access to Finance as a Mediating Variable
The research aims to examine the effect of financial literacy on business sustainability and access to finance as a mediating variable that strengthens the relationship between financial literacy and sustainability. It was conducted by taking MSME samples in the West Bandung Regency area using the probability sampling technique with cluster random sampling type.

The Framework of Zakat Managing Organization (OPZ) Synergy in Achieving SDGs Target
The aim of the study was conducted by interviewing the manager of OPZ. The result of the research shows that OPZ indirectly contributes to achieving the target of SDGs, particularly in the zero-poverty sector, overcoming starvation, realizing quality education, and improving health quality.

Quality Management quo Vadis: A Snapshot of the German Quality Management Environment
In this study, examined how board members, managing directors, quality managers and employees view the topic of quality management, what experiences they have gained in using various systems, and what potential for improvement they see.